Foods You Should Never Eat If You Have Arthritis

According to statistics, there are more than 50 million arthritis patients in the U.S. only. On a daily basis, they are looking for differe...


Ears may get neglected when it comes to poetry —they’re not the window of the soul, and nobody compares them to a summer’s day — but we sho...

This Is What Your Fingernails Are Warning You About: Organ Failure, Inflammation, or Worse

It may not spring in your mind often, however, fingernails are very important for your health and there is a big connection between your fi...

Eliminate Mucus and Phlegm in Throat and Chest With These Natural Remedies

Some kind of obstruction in the throat or nasal passage can lead to persistent coughing and difficulty breathing. They can occur due to inc...

Place Ice On This Spot Twice A Day And This Will Happen To Your Body!

This traditional Chinese medicine can do miracles for your body! The traditional Chinese medicine is based on the belief that the energy, ...

Recognize These 5 Heart Attack Symptoms One Month Ahead

It is common knowledge that the symptoms of heart attack can be identified before the attack (myocardial infarction) take place. This attac...

Here is what happens when you wrap your feet in aluminum foil

We mostly use the aluminum foil in the kitchen, where it is indispensable for cooking and for keeping food in the refrigerator. But would y...